These terms and conditions represent a legally binding contract between the employer ("the Client") and Mortimer Nannies ("the Agency"). All business undertaken between the Agency and the Client is subject to these terms and conditions.
The term "candidate" refers to a person introduced by the Agency.
An introduction is deemed to be made when the Agency notifies the Client of a candidate's name and/or provides the Client with the candidate's details.
The Agency operates as an agency introducing Clients to prospective candidates. The Agency does not employ candidates either directly or indirectly. The Client undertakes to provide a contract of employment upon engagement of a candidate and is fully responsible for the candidate's Tax and National Insurance contributions, obtaining work permits and satisfying any medical requirements or qualifications as required by law.
The Client is requested to reimburse all reasonable travelling expenses to the interview upon presentation of receipt.
Fees and payment
Fees are payable by the Client on the acceptance either verbally or in writing, by a candidate of a position with the Client. It is the Clients full resposibility to inform the Agency if a candidate has been offered employment.
The introduction fee will become due and payable within 14 days from the date of the invoice submitted by the Agency and will be subject to a 10% surcharge if not paid in this time. A further 10% surcharge will be added on each reissued invoice every 10 days after that.
If a candidate introduced by the Agency is rejected (or rejects an offer of employment) by the Client, a full introduction fee will be payable if the candidate is employed by the Client at any time within 12 months of the introduction.
If a temporary placement becomes a Permanent placement, it is the Clients full responsiblity to inform the Agency. The full permanent placement fee shall apply and will be payable within 7 working days of an invoice being issued by the Agency.
If a candidate returns to the Client at a later date ( within 12 months of introduction) either for full or temporary employment the Client will be liable for the relevant fee charged by the Agency at this time. The Client agrees to notify the Agency immediately of a re-employment or extension of a temporary engagement.
All information supplied by the Agency is confidential and should not be passed to any third parties. Should the Client pass on any information/recommend a candidate to a third party who subsequently employs the candidate resulting in a permanent, temporary or part time employment, then the Client will remain liable for the full introduction fee and these terms and conditions shall apply.
The Agency endeavors to provide the most suitable candidates for introduction to the Client. However, the final decision to employ a candidate is the sole responsibility of the Client. The Agency makes no warrenty or guarantee, express or implied as to the suitability, honesty, capability or character of any candidate introduced to the Client. The Agency shall not be liable for any loss, liability, damage, costs, claims or expenses suffered or incurred from or connected with the recruitment or engagement of any candidate by the Client.
This refund policy is subject to the following conditions being satisfied:
The original introduction fee has been paid within 14 days of the invoice date.
The Agency is advised of the termination of employment within 5 working days.
The working conditions of the candidate are reasonable and as agreed prior to commencement.
There was a contract of employment supplied by the Client for the candidate and the terms of the contract were adhered to.
If a candidate does not start employment on the agreed date following an offer being accepted then a full refund will be made by the Agency.
If the candidate's employment is terminated or a candidate leaves within the first six weeks of starting then the Agency will endeavor to provide a suitable replacement at no extra cost. If no suitable replacement candidate is provided within 4 weeks the following refund policy applies:
Week in which the candidate leaves
1-2 weeks - full refund excluding a £100 administration charge
2-4 weeks - 75% of introduction fee
4-6 weeks - 50% of introduction fee